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Waydown Wailers - State Of The Union - Debut CD

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Year: 2013
Woodstock Records 0044

Click On Titles for MP3 Samples
01 |
No Mercy
02 |
State Of The Union
03 |
Woman Tonight
04 |
The Man
05 |
One by One
06 |
Online Love
07 |
Money Grabbers
08 |
My Girl
Waydown Wailers


Brothers Dave and Christian Parker with Michael Scruffy Scriminger and Connor Pelkey have joined forces... to create the unique sound of Waydown Wailers. The rhythm and groove of their songs turn in a different direction at times to create a jam feel that is associated with many popular bands past and present. Lyrically, the songs range from present day observations on a National level, to recounts of past relationships and desires of us all at one time or another. Guitarist, Christian Parker adds a totally retro feel to the band with signature guitar riffs and excellent melodies to carry the songs. "The Waydown Wailers wouldn't have the same effect with out my brother's great ability to take a song and give it life" Christian commented. We're brothers and we have always jammed but really never had a band together. Christian is an excellent songwriter replied Dave. Bassist Connor adds a sold blend of rock, funk and jazz to the group. Connor is the glue that keeps the songs together and his style is unlike any other bassist around. Truly an artist, Connor adds that extra punch to the lineup. Waydown Wailers are sure to please the soul with good rhythmatic beats by Michael "Scruffy" Scriminger and songs that make you feel like your part of the band.

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